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DD120 Durasteel 2 Hour Sliding Doors

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Home Technical Data Fire Doors DD120 Durasteel 2 Hour Sliding Doors

DD120 Durasteel 2 Hour Sliding Doors

Standard Specification
Leaf: Overall thickness: 28mm
Material: 9.5mm thick DURASTEEL® sheet
Jointing construction: Mitred and welded
Frame: Overall frame depth: 60mm (FR7) (FR11)
Material: 60 x 60 x 6mm thick angle section
Jointing: Mitred and welding joints or cleated constructions
Type and configuration: Single rebate/3-sided frame
Threshold plate: 70 x 10mm thick MS plate (FR15)
Finish: Frame and leaf: Standard shop-applied zinc based primer, ready for site painting (P3)
Ironmongery: Leaf fitted with 3-way shoot bolt mechanism, handle set and rose plates.
2 no. hook and ride hinges and central hinge keep per leaf. Passive leaf on double
leaf doorset is fitted with either face fixed tower bolts top and bottom or 2-way
shoot bolts
Certification: BS 476: Part 22: 1987


DBD Durasteel Blast Doors

Dimensional Details Ref Single Leaf Doorset Example Calculation Double Leaf Doorset Example Calculation
Structural opening width A A 900 A 1800mm
Structural opening height B B 2100 B 2100mm
Overall frame width C (A – 8 = C) 892 (A – 8 = C) 1792mm
Overall frame height D (B – 6 = D) 2094 (B – 6 = D) 2094mm
Door leaf width E (A – 25 = E) 875 ((A – 30)/2 = E) 885mm
Door leaf height F (B – 35 = F) 2065 (B – 35 = F) 2065mm

Note: Calculations based on standard specification




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