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Folding Fire Barriers

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Home Systems Walls & Barriers Folding Fire Barriers

Folding Fire Barriers

While our Durasteel fire barriers can be demounted and moved by trained personnel, sometimes more rapid access is required. Our Durasteel folding barriers provide a high level of fire protection while also creating an immediate opening for people or vehicles to pass through.

Durasteel bi-fold fire barriers utilise four hinged panels which fold together in a way that provides seamless fire protection. Our folding barriers have been rigorously tested to demonstrate 4-hour fire integrity and 140 minute temperature insulation, meeting British standards BS 476: Parts 20 and 22.

Folding barriers are ideal for areas that require complete fire compartmentation, but also need to be accessible for routine maintenance or transit, either by individuals or vehicles. This commonly includes barriers that enable vehicle turning in compact service tunnels, as well as barriers allowing for easy transformer maintenance in electrical substations.

Our Durasteel folding barriers can be opened and closed using either a hand crank or motorised system, and are lockable for added security. Like our other fire barriers, our folding barriers are also moisture, wind and vibration resistant, making them suitable for internal, external or underground use.

Our folding barriers are fully customisable according to the space and your specific requirements. The barriers can be painted to suit your branding or the surrounding structures. They also provide acoustic reduction of around 40 dB depending on the environmental conditions, making them ideal for isolating noisy environments.

Durasteel fire barriers protect key infrastructure projects around the world, and have been successfully deployed in a variety of settings. Read our case studies to learn more, or visit our Fire Barriers page to learn about our standard fire protection systems.

Want a barrier that allows for easier access without the mechanical complexity of a folding barrier? We also provide demountable fire and blast barriers, which can be lifted out and refitted when required. Find out more by following the link, or get in touch today to speak to our expert team, and find out what we can do for your organisation.


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