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4 Hour Fire Walls

Internationally Certified 240 Minute Fire Rated Walls For Fire Attack From Both Sides

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Contact Benn Larkin Sarun Vysakham Ben Tan Azim Rizvi Anand Raghavan Our USA Office

Home Systems Walls & Barriers 4 Hour Fire Walls

4 Hour Fire Walls

Durasteel low radiation fire walls provide 4 hours of protection against fire in both directions, making them the ideal solution for constructions that require a high degree of stability and integrity. Durasteel fire walls offer a lightweight construction, in addition to being impact and moisture resistant, and are fully demountable.

4 Hour Integrity-Only Fire Walls

Single layer Durasteel fire walls are constructed using a steel channel framework and provide 240 minutes integrity rating for fire attack from either side, meaning that a fully developed fire on one side of the wall (fire side) will not physically pass through the wall to the other side (non-fire side) for a period of 4 hours.

The type of framing system and the dimensions of the steel sections depends on the specific performance requirements of the wall in terms of fire protection, pressures and height, but are typically 80mm deep for walls up to 6m, 150mm deep for walls up to 12m and 200mm deep for walls up to 15m. For walls over 15m in height, a bespoke structural design can be carried out.

The ideal solution for constructions that require a high degree of stability and integrity


  • 4-hour fire integrity resistance in both directions
  • 33dB acoustic insulation
  • Impact resistant
  • Moisture resistant
  • Fast, dry installation

View our interactive system diagram here.

4 Hour Integrity & Insulation Fire Walls

Double layer Durasteel insulated fire walls are designed to prevent the passage of heat from a fully developed fire on the fire-side of the wall to the non-fire side, in addition to providing the stability and integrity features of a standard single layer Durasteel fire wall.

Installed as a complete and certified system, our insulated fire walls allow a maximum surface temperature rise on the non-fire side of 140°C (average) for the required duration – either 1 hour, 2 hours or 4 hours.

Insulated fire walls are particularly important in areas where people are located, evacuation routes or where volatile flammable and combustible liquids and solids are being stored which may spontaneously ignite when the ambient temperature of the room reaches the autoignition temperature (kindling point) which will create a new fire on the opposite side of the wall.


  • 4 Hours Fire Integrity And Insulation Resistance In Both Directions
  • Up To 56dB Acoustic Insulation
  • Impact Resistant
  • Moisture Resistant
  • Fast, Dry Installation

View our interactive system diagram here.

Not sure which system is the right one for your project?

Read our article on the differences between integrity-only systems and insulated systems.


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Question 1/5

Type of system required?

Question 2/5

Fire rating required?

Question 3/5

Fire integrity-only or integrity and insulation?

Question 4/5

Fire attack risk from one side or both sides of the system?

Question 5/5

Blast rating required in addition to fire rating?

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