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Blast Walls & Barriers

Protection Against Gas, Hydrocarbon and TNT Blasts Up To 2.7 Bar

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Home Systems Walls & Barriers Blast Walls & Barriers

Blast Walls & Barriers

Durasteel blast barriers are extremely effective against blasts and explosions due to their energy absorption, impact and heat resistant qualities. For this reason, Durasteel blast walls and barriers are specifically designed and installed to protect personnel, buildings and equipment from the effects of explosion, fire and impact.

In addition, they guard against the effects of smoke and fumes in hazardous environments, such as offshore platforms, petrochemical installations, chemical plants, military establishments, civil defence works and hazardous process plants.

Durasteel is non-combustible, will withstand an explosion followed by a prolonged fire and will still be unaffected by hose stream fire fighting


  • Blast resistant, tested from 0.3 to 2.7 bar overpressure
  • Resistant to hydrocarbon fires, tested to H120 post-2 bar blast
  • Resistant to gas explosions
  • Tested to CPNI C15 anti-terrorist TNT blast standard
  • Impact resistant to 3000J after 240 minute fire test
  • Highly energy absorbent

Unlike many fire and blast resistant materials, Durasteel is non-combustible, will withstand an explosion followed by a prolonged fire and will still be unaffected by hose stream fire fighting.

Its integrity remains unimpaired, ensuring continued protection against fire, impact and moisture as well as preventing the escape of smoke and toxic gases.

Durasteel systems are tested up to H120 fire rating post-blast, and the systems can be designed to suit specific project performance requirements.

Additionally, Durasteel blast walls have been tested to the CPNI C15 anti-terrorist TNT blast standard for a 100kg TNT explosion at 15m proximity.

The systems are used widely in the petrochemical and ammunition manufacturing industries as blast walls, which make use of its blast protection properties. Fully insulated systems can be supplied to meet specifications if required.

For more information about blast walls and the protection they offer your organisation, please get in touch.


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Question 1/5

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Question 2/5

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Question 3/5

Fire integrity-only or integrity and insulation?

Question 4/5

Fire attack risk from one side or both sides of the system?

Question 5/5

Blast rating required in addition to fire rating?

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