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4 Hour Fire Rated Ductwork

240 Minute Fire Rated Ventilation Systems With Flexible Configurations

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Home Systems Ductwork & Ventilation 4 Hour Fire Rated Ductwork

4 Hour Fire Rated Ductwork

Fire Rated Ductwork

Durasteel 4 hour fire rated ductwork is a tested and certified high performance ventilation system that can be constructed to various sizes in 4, 3, 2 and 1-sided configurations and in both horizontal and vertical orientations, offering total flexibility.

The systems are lightweight and space-spacing, and offer up to 4 hours fire rating in both directions (Type A and Type B) in accordance with BS476: Part 24, to provide natural ventilation or mechanically forced ventilation, including hot smoke extraction in the event of a fire.

As a completely dry installation consisting of angle framework with 9.5mm Durasteel sheets fixed to the outside,  the systems can be re-worked on site to accommodate difficult site conditions and offer unique flexibility that other prefabricated duct systems cannot. The systems are designed bespoke in order to achieve the required cross-sectional area of airflow at the specified pressure and can accommodate foot traffic inside to allow for maintenance access.


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Question 1/5

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Question 2/5

Fire rating required?

Question 3/5

Fire integrity-only or integrity and insulation?

Question 4/5

Fire attack risk from one side or both sides of the system?

Question 5/5

Blast rating required in addition to fire rating?

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