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UKPN Specification 125mm/150mm Steel Tubes

Seamless Steel Tubes For Basement Cable Runs

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Home Systems Cables & Services UKPN Specification 125mm/150mm Steel Tubes

UKPN Specification 125mm/150mm Steel Tubes

Black steel tubesThrough our extensive work with UKPN, Invicta Durasteel are able to offer steel cable pipe ducts (steel tubes) for cable protection and configuration in basement areas. These tubes are ideal for present and future cable pulling requirements in building basement areas such as in car parks, plant rooms and UKPN substations.

Our steel tubes consist of a 125mm or 150mm internal diameter welded steel pipe with screwed and socketed joints, bevelled internal edges and no internal protruding seam.

Where a change in cable route is required, a Durasteel turning box can be constructed and installed to accommodate the required bend radius. This acts as a Durasteel fire and blast enclosure to meet UKPN specifications, with fully demountable Durasteel panels on the bottom of the enclosure allowing access for cable pulling, inspection and maintenance.

Our steel tubes are fully compliant with BS EN 10255:2004 and can be supplied to suit your required cable route and number of cables. Where the steel tubes need to pass through a concrete wall into a substation or other basement area, a puddle flange can be manufactured and supplied in order to prevent water ingress.

For more information, to arrange a free site visit and to learn what Invicta Durasteel can do for your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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