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What is Durasteel

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Home Durasteel What is Durasteel

What is Durasteel

Durasteel is a 9.5mm thick composite panel fire protection board, comprised of a fibre-reinforced cement core mechanically bonded to punched steel sheets on both outer surfaces. It is classed as ‘noncombustible’ to BS 476: Part 4: 1970 and to Clause 10 of EN 13501-1: 2002, and is both highly impact and moisture resistant.

When fixed to a steel channel or angle framework, the Durasteel board forms part of a fully certified high performance fire protection system that has been rigorously tested all around the world to provide up to 4 hour fire integrity and insulation protection and blast protection.

Our systems have been developed and supported through continuous testing for use in barrier, ceilings, service enclosure, ventilation duct and door applications, with a wide range of specifications available.

Combining lightness, strength, impact, blast resistance and durability with exceptional fire resistance, Durasteel systems remain unaffected by firefighters’ hoses, leaving them capable of performing their original function even during a fire. They also offer up to 56dB of acoustic insulation for areas that also require noise reduction.

Benefits For Construction Teams On-Site

Durasteel systems also offer many benefits for construction teams facing build issues on-site, being considerably lighter and slimmer compared to a structural concrete equivalent and requiring no specialist foundations. The systems can also be easily retrofitted, thanks to their completely dry installation methodology, and can even be fully prefabricated off-site and lifted into position in situations where operational equipment may be in close proximity and there is a need to minimise downtime. All of these factors combine result in significantly faster installation times on-site and reduced risk of delays occurring to the overall build programme.

The systems have been used successfully across the industry for many years, including rail and metro projects as well as military developments and commercial, pharmaceutical and petrochemical facilities.

Additionally, Durasteel systems have been designed and developed to ensure effective use in blast resistant constructions in a wide range of industrial applications, including power generation and anti-terrorist installations.


  • Four Hour Fire Resistant – integrity, stability and insulation
  • Blast Resistant – up to 2.7 bar
  • Impact Resistant – 3000J swingball test post-4 hour fire test
  • Moisture Resistant
  • Lightweight – 6-8 times lighter than structural concrete
  • Space-Saving – no specialist foundations required
  • Demountable / Remountable
  • Fast, Dry Installation
  • Low Maintenance
  • Suitable for Internal and External Locations
  • Can be Prefabricated Off-site
  • Purpose Built to meet Individual Requirements

To learn more about the benefits of Durasteel systems, please get in touch with us – we’d be happy to help.


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