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Wind Farm Fire Protection

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Home Applications Wind Farm Fire Protection

Wind Farm Fire Protection

Stronelairg Durasteel wall

The popularity of wind power is surging around the world, providing a cost-effective and clean solution for environmentally conscious countries. However, the recency of wind power development means that there are still few standards for the protection of wind farm transformers, and other aspects of critical power infrastructure. This makes it especially important to consider fire protection at the design stage, in order to assure that it is as efficient and cost-effective as possible.

We can offer a range of solutions at any scale, from the largest transformer enclosure bays to access doors and high voltage cable protection. Our bespoke approach will ensure that your solution is designed to spec, and protects your facilities against potential damage from transformer explosions or fires. As designers, providers and installers of Durasteel fire protection systems, our wind farm fire protection is unmatched in its specificity and reliability.

Durasteel fire and blast barriers are both lightweight and extremely durable, and can be easily installed, demounted and relocated

Our complementary site visit will help us to get a full understanding of your needs, and our project managers will work with you to create a bespoke fire protection solution. Whether you’re constructing a new facility or seeking to mitigate risks at an existing one, we’ll liaise with your designers, engineers or contractors to integrate Durasteel with your project, and ensure that no time or resources are wasted.

While Durasteel confers many advantages over other fire protection systems, perhaps the most pertinent is its ease of installation compared to structural solutions. Durasteel fire and blast barriers are both lightweight and extremely durable, and can be easily installed, demounted and relocated. This means that Durasteel systems can be installed significantly faster than traditional concrete barriers, where the need for foundations to set requires a much longer timescale and higher labour costs. Should you require fire and blast protection at an existing site, this also allows us to install around ongoing operations, and erect barriers in relatively confined spaces.

Stronelairg Durasteel vaultDurasteel confers up to 4-hour fire resistance against even the most intense hydrocarbon fires, and blast resistance up to 2.7 bar (270kN/m²) overpressure. As it is anywhere between six and eight times lighter than an equivalent concrete solution, it is far simpler to install and maintain, and can be retrofitted, extended or moved as you require.

Our most recent wind farm project at Stronelairg is an ideal demonstration of our adaptability and commitment to quality. This involved the creation and installation of three 4-hour fire-rated transformer enclosure barriers, as well as fire resistant walls, ceilings, access doors and fire seals. All of this was conducted over a nine-week period in harsh weather conditions, and with the use of specialist all-terrain access equipment.

Our combined experience in the wind power and broader energy sectors makes us ideally positioned to undertake your wind farm fire protection project. We’ll help you identify the need for transformer barriers, fire wall partitions, high voltage cable enclosures, personnel doors or ductwork, and deliver a cost effective and fully certified solution. To find out more about our experience in the energy sector and to arrange a free consultation, contact us today.


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