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Ventilation Systems

High Performance Fresh Air Supply & Smoke Extraction

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Home Applications Ventilation Systems

Ventilation Systems

When a fire occurs underground or within another confined space, the greatest impediment is often smoke. With nowhere to go, smoke can quickly accumulate and hang in the air, obscuring vision and posing a danger to life. Proper ventilation is crucial in order to protect people in the event of a fire, and ensure a safe and orderly evacuation.

Durasteel is ideal for the construction of ventilation systems for smoke extraction, ensuring their integrity under hostile conditions. Invicta Durasteel is lightweight, resilient and tested to the most rigorous standards — providing an internationally certified smoke extraction system that is also resistant to heat, pressure and fire.

Durasteel can be used as ducting in both mechanical and natural ventilation systems, connecting ventilation shafts and fans together. The nature of the project and required system will depend on the fan pressure, atmospheric pressure, nature of the risk and how deep the tunnel or other space is underground.

Durasteel is most commonly used to create four-sided Durasteel ducts, but can also be deployed as a single, two or three-sided duct. This acts as a suspended ceiling below the concrete slab, creating a plenum space that channels smoke along the roof of the space, and towards the extraction fans.

Invicta Durasteel offers extensive fire and blast protection according to your requirements, and is extremely low maintenance, with an effective design lifespan of 40 years. Its lightweight and modular construction means that it can be quickly installed, offering protection and peace of mind without impeding your daily operations.

Invicta are proud to have worked on a number of ventilation system projects, and have a lengthy track record of work within the rail and metro industry, including on the Dubai and Doha metro systems. Visit our Case Studies page for more examples of our work, or contact us today to find out what we can do for you.


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Question 1/5

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Question 2/5

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Question 3/5

Fire integrity-only or integrity and insulation?

Question 4/5

Fire attack risk from one side or both sides of the system?

Question 5/5

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