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Heat Shields

Protection Against Heat Radiation

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Contact Benn Larkin Sarun Vysakham Ben Tan Azim Rizvi Anand Raghavan Our USA Office

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Contact Benn Larkin Sarun Vysakham Ben Tan Azim Rizvi Anand Raghavan Our USA Office

Home Applications Heat Shields

In many industrial applications, heat poses as much of an active risk as fire. Potent heat sources such as furnaces, ovens and exhausts can pose a serious risk to life, and must be used and navigated around with extreme caution. In many cases, it is not just logical but necessary to shield these heat sources and protect people nearby.

Invicta Durasteel is perfect for deployment as heat shields, whether in an industrial capacity or as passive fire protection. Our lightweight, demountable Durasteel barriers are the ideal way to create standalone walls, protecting people from radiating sources of heat and fire. These can be used to create an enclosure to work safely within, or to line a walkway or path.

Invicta Durasteel is fire-rated to your requirements, and is tested to numerous international specifications. Durasteel heat shields are capable of resisting intense heat, fire and blast damage, with zero maintenance requirements – allowing you to ‘fit and forget’ your Durasteel heat shields for up to 40 years.

As well as being suited to heat protection in an industrial setting, Durasteel heat shields can also be used to secure escape routes. By lining key corridors, walkways or other routes with Durasteel heat shields, you can ensure the safety and integrity of your building in the event of an emergency, keeping people safe as they evacuate the premises.

Invicta have worked on a number of Durasteel heat shield projects, and have significant expertise in this area. View our Case Studies page to see some examples of our past work, or contact us today to find out what we can do for your business or enterprise.

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SpecUp - System Specification Wizard

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Question 1/5

Type of system required?

Question 2/5

Fire rating required?

Question 3/5

Fire integrity-only or integrity and insulation?

Question 4/5

Fire attack risk from one side or both sides of the system?

Question 5/5

Blast rating required in addition to fire rating?

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