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Equipment Enclosures

Fire Protection Inside & Out

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Home Applications Equipment Enclosures

Equipment Enclosures

Sometimes, protecting people and equipment from a fire or blast contained is as important as keeping one contained. In the case of Durasteel equipment enclosures, both are often true. Whether you’re looking to keep machinery and electrics running in the event of a fire, or stress test equipment in a safe environment, Durasteel is up to the task.

With fire-ratings of up to four hours depending on your needs, Durasteel provides unparalleled protection against fires, blasts and heat. Durasteel equipment enclosures are regularly deployed to protect switchgear cabinets and other sensitive electrics, ensuring that power can be controlled and maintained for as long as possible in the event of a fire.

Durasteel’s lightweight but rigorous construction makes it ideal for everything from cabinets to barriers to entire rooms. Common large-scale deployments of Durasteel include walls and encasements for battery and generator rooms, protecting secondary or tertiary power systems in an emergency situation.

As well as protecting rooms, Durasteel can also be used to create them. Self-supporting rooms can be created entirely from Durasteel, with fire-rated access doors and ventilation systems where necessary. These rooms can be used to test a variety of devices or substances, most notably the performance of large lithium-ion batteries.

Durasteel isn’t just limited to large scale constructions, however. Invicta are proud to have worked on small equipment enclosures for battery testing in the motor racing industry, including Formula 1. These movable constructions can be used to store and stress test batteries, ensuring that they do not pose a fire or explosion risk.

Durasteel equipment enclosures can be extremely varied, and we have applied our expertise to a wide range of projects. Visit our Case Studies page to see examples of our work, or contact us today to find out what we can do for you.


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