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Building Fire Compartmentation

Lightweight, Quick To Install 4 Hour Fire Compartmentation

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Home Applications Building Fire Compartmentation

Building Fire Compartmentation

In almost any building, the object of passive fire protection is to secure routes of egress, and ensure that the occupants and infrastructure are protected for as long as possible. This commonly involves the creation of fire compartments, slowing the spread of fire and smoke between different parts of a structure.

Fire compartmentation is an ideal way to isolate dangerous materials (e.g. flammable or combustible goods) from the rest of your facility, limiting the path of a fire. Alternatively, you may wish to use it to separate valuable resources or critical systems, ensuring that one fire does not incur massive losses, break into a building’s lobby, or jeopardise vital operations.

Durasteel compartmentation barriers are perfectly suited for use in a range of structures, with fire-ratings up to four hours depending on your needs. Durasteel barriers can be used in multiple rooms on the same floor to stop the lateral spread of fire; or as ceilings, to prevent the spread of fire vertically between floors.

Durasteel is lightweight, durable and highly resistant to both fire and blast damage, making it suitable for use in a wide range of structures and scenarios. Durasteel fire compartmentation barriers have been variously deployed in warehouses, aircraft hangars, airports, stadiums, storage facilities and power facilities around the world, and feature in several of our case studies.

In an aircraft hangar, for instance, Durasteel compartmentation barriers can be used to separate multiple aircraft from one another, ensuring that losses are minimised in the event of an engine or electrical fire. The protection this offers can have a substantial impact on insurance premiums, saving more money than the initial outlay on the Durasteel project.

For more information on the specific properties of our Durasteel products, visit our Systems and Technical Data pages using the menus above. Alternatively, get in touch with us today to find out more about Invicta’s services, and what we can do for your business or enterprise.




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