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A to Z of Terms

Fire & Blast Protection Terminology

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Home A to Z of Terms

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A piece of threaded metal, often with a square or hexagonal head, used to fix two unthreaded components together with the aid of a nut.


C15 Blast Test Standard

A blast test standard developed by the UK Home Office's CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) that models terrorist attacks using TNT explosions are varying quantities and proximities to achieve different overpressures.


Cold Rolled Channel – A C-shaped length of rolled metal, used to form a framework.

Cellulosic Fire Curve

A fire curve that models the development of a fire that typically occurs in general residential or commercial buildings, fuelled primarily by contents materials such as plastics, wood, cotton or textiles, reaching 500°C in around 5 minutes up to 1100°C after approximately 180 minutes. In comparison to a hydrocarbon fire, a cellulosic fire has a slow, gradual and steady growth rate.


An L- or T-shaped piece of steel used to join 2 or more pieces together.

Composite panel

A material or structure made up of multiple layers and materials that are either mechanically or chemically bonded together.



Removable and re-usable without causing damage that require rectification works.


A system used to supply and remove passages of air in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Also known as ductwork and ducting.


A 9.5mm thick composite panel of fibre reinforced cement core mechanically bonded to punched steel sheets on both outer surface.


Fire Barrier

A system used to prevent the spread of fire, and sometimes heat, from one area to an adjacent area.

Fire Wall

A system used to prevent the spread of fire, and sometimes heat, from one compartment of a building to an adjacent compartment.


A projecting flat lip, ridge or rim on an object, either internal or external, used as a strengthening element and/or for connecting 2 objects together. Flanges are used to connect 2 sections of duct.


H0 Hydrocarbon Fire Rating

A system tested against a hydrocarbon fire curve that achieves 120 minutes fire integrity (fire separation) only.

H120 Hydrocarbon Fire Rating

A system tested against a hydrocarbon fire curve that achieves 120 minutes fire integrity (fire separation) and 120 minutes insulation.

H60 Hydrocarbon Fire Rating

A system tested against a hydrocarbon fire curve that achieves 120 minutes fire integrity (fire separation) and 60 minutes insulation.

Hydrocarbon Fire Curve

A fire curve that models the development of a fire that typically occurs in high risk industrial areas, fuelled primarily by combustible liquids such as petroleum, chemicals or gas, reaching 1000°C in less than 5 minutes up to 1100°C shortly thereafter. In comparison to a cellulosic fire, a hydrocarbon fire has an extremely fast and steep growth rate. Hydrocarbon fire rated systems are classified using "H" notation - H0, H60 and H120.



A material used to control and limit the spread and transfer of heat.



A horizontal strut formed from CRC, used to give rigidity to a framework, fixed between studs to their increase strength and stiffness. Also called noggin.


A small flat piece of square or hexagonal metal with a threaded hole through which a bolt is screwed into in order to secure it into position.



Any item/element that physically passes through a fire compartment.


The space between the concrete slab of a building and a secondary suspended ceiling or raised floor, that can facilitate air circulation as part of a HVAC system.



Substances used to block the passage of liquids, gases, heat and sound through joints, gaps or surfaces of materials.


A vertical strut formed from CRC, used to form a framework.


Tek screw

Self-tapping fasteners that have a drill bit end allowing them to be used for screwing materials together without pre-drilling. Also called self-drilling screws.

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